What's the most embarassing place you did a Number
Mine was in an under-the-stairs closet in a small Pennsylvania city on a Sunday, during the daytime in July. I was playing a gig in the area but it was outside, a bit impromptu and all of a sudden that queasy gotta-take-a-shit-feeling snuck up on me and ... I couldn't find a bathroom. It was in a downtown area, no gas stations nearby, nearly everything closed, too young to get into a Pennsylvania bar... Finally got into some decrepit old office building with an unlocked door, snuck around trying to avoid the janitor cuz I knew chances are he would kick me out and expediency was of the essence... so not able to get into the real bathroom cuz ol' mop bucket guy was between me and nirvana... and I went into the closest darkest place I could find. Shat it out in my tighty-whiteys and left it there for the poor janitor to find, perhaps months later by the look of that dingy dusty closet (you hadda stoop to get in).... had it been night time I might have just found some place outside but hey, you gotta go, you gotta go...
- "You Kept Me Waiting Too Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long (E*Vax [Ratatat] Remix)" - Television Personalities(downloaded via Audioversity - see also Indie Muse)
- "Secret Room" - Robert Colbert Orchestra (from the Dark Shadows soundtrack CD)
- "Shitty Bum" - C-Mon&Kypski (from the SXSW 2006 website)
If you wanna respond with your own horrifying experience, use the comments - suggest a song or two to go along with your "experience"....
I believe that would be "number two."
Thanks - my fact checker was so grossed out by the direction this blog took today that she is currently absent without leave.
my worst experience was during the millenium new years. me and my friends were at some hunting camp in the middle of nowhere. this was also the first time a smoked pot, but thats another story. anyways, at like 4 in the morning i really really had to crap, so my friend tells me there is an outhouse behind the camp. it was dark as hell out and of course i was drunk and i could not find it, so i just dropped my pants behind the camp and took care of business. when my friend woke up the next morning the first thing they did was go take a piss and they discovered my dookie. ooops. when you gotta go, you gotta go. the only song that could go with this is the misadventures of shitman by green jelly.
Will you ever blog again?
Soon.... heavy work load and personal life (nothing too serious) have detered me. Unfortunately, not been able to listen to much or enjoy music as a result. Look for an update this weekend.
Sorry it's off-topic but I just thought I would post this where people could easily find it. Ever heard of the blog MoxieGrrrl.com? If you haven't don't feel bad, most people haven't heard of it either. Just wanted to let everyone here know that Moxie is what's known as a Left gatekeeper, which is someone like Michael Moore or Amy Goodman or Noam Chomsky or Bill Maher etc., who at first blush appears to be a genuine leftist but who strives tirelessly to steer discourse away from matters that would be the most damaging to the establishment, for example 9/11 and U.S. government complicity. She goes about it in quite an immature fashion too, in deleting anyone's posts she can't disprove. For a while she didn't delete posts but just clammed up whenever someone mentioned the 9/11 false flag operation, and for a while I gave her the benefit of the doubt, thinking "Perhaps she's just very psychologically cowardly and can't bear to face unpleasant facts". Well now she is deleting peoples' posts that she cannot disprove and I've called her out on it. Moxie Grrrl is a dupe and a Left gatekeeper. So if you want to go see a blogger that pretends to be edgy and leftist but is nothing more than a gutless, soulless Left gatekeeper carrying water for the mass murderers who brought you the 9/11 inside job, then by all means go to MoxieGrrrl.com. If you want genuine political discourse, go elsewhere. Thank you for your time.
"too obviously literal" ?
well there's nothing subtle about Millie and that's why she is so great to listen to.
The best Late Night Tracks.
with whiskey.
"Mary Jones, Dow Jones, or any other Jones .."
I am going around all the links with Reverend Frost
of Spread The Good Word
the music blog
to say he is in trouble
and if you can PayPal him even ONE EURO (100+ people link to him)
he would be paid back for all the tracks we have downloadeded from his blog.
Peace and love ...
¿Donde esta el Jim?
College...accident.. not gas... so sad... class in 15 minutes... home too far... whatta ya do...
Sneak in a local frat house.. smile at those you pass... go to their shower room... skivies in garbage can... use their shower like you own the place...
So embarrased, but handled with good results... didn't miss class... wonder what their housecleaner thought when finding soiled underroos...
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