Here's some songs exiting the Heavy Rotation list but worth mentioning...
"I've Been Fighting For You" - American Royalty - Passive-Aggressiveness Break-Up song. You think he's apologizing for himself but it's really all on her. Either that or he's saying instead of fighting for Girl 1 he should have been fighting for Girl 2. Hard to tell as the lyrics are kinda blurry. Annnnnyway, it's still a good song, over-analyzers be damned.
"Lost in the Light" - Bahamas - The Bahamas dude is all Jason Mrazzy here but without, y'know, Jason Mraz. Whereas the last song was a break-UP song, this is a break-IN song about a new relationship where the singer finds himself sleeping next to someone he barely knows and starts fretting about all the shit that can go wrong in the relationship. It's for that slow jam tape, bra.
"Atlas" - Beth Jeans Houghton - She's in a relationship with a dude that's way older than her and they sit up at night and look at the atlas and she realizes how much more shit he's seen in his life.
"Our Glowing Days" - Boxeur the Coeur - This is like listening to what would happen if the Funeral-era Arcade Fire met the Suburbs-era Arcade Fire and those other records in-between never happened.
"When the Open Road is Closing In" - Blue Eyed Blacks - Probably the most mainstreamy song on the list today, a slightly boozy country folk piece. Its yeah kinda corny - doing the whole "life is the open road" and "truckstops" are those five years of your life you wasted and you know keep yer chin up, take another swig, it's alright because you "won't be coming home again." Y'know, think positive.
"Lights" - Farmer Sea - Vintage photo as the album art, check. Hushy vocals, check. offbeat instrument (mallets), check. Driving beat that places the focus on the first beat, check. Yeah, it's an indie rawk und roll song.
"In The Hearts of Men" - First Aid Kit - They were playing with Barbies only a few years ago and now they're writing better cuntry-folk songs than their elders have written in years. This is like the fourth track of the album I've showcased, I think.
"Creek of a Lonesome Town" - Francis - Another N. Euro band from Pigeons and Planes people.
"When You Have Gone" - Highasakit - A slower one from the All That Floats LP. Features clop-clop temple blocks in a three four ballad. If that Twin Peaks bar was still open, this band would be booked.
"No Love" - Hooray for Earth - Anthem in an 80's chord progression.
"Hang-Ups of the West" - The Kabeedies - Another fine one this group. Again, props to the drummer.
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