Vinyl Mine
Friday, March 10, 2017
Beat Happening
- Beat Happening EP (1985) -- It's the yellow album in the above animated gif. Greg Sage (punk guitar god of Portland) produced it. I wonder if he is having the same misgivings.
Murray Head "One Night In Bangkok b/w Merano" 12" Single (1984)
Get Thai'd! You're talking to a tourist
Whose every move's among the purest
I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine
Side B is a throwaway.
Meatmen Rock 'n' Roll Juggernaut (1986) Worst Meatmen album of all time.
The Birthday Party, Junkyard LP (1982) Hands off this one, hands off! she cried/grinning at me from hip to hip.
Todd Homer was in the Angry Samoans and their epic and bitter breakup is hashed out once again here - I'm not totally sure that's Todd speaking at the bottom of the page.
Coffee and Cigarettes: For Girls Who Smoke
"I Wish I Was A Single Girl Again" - Kelly Harrell (from Climax Golden Twins Victrola Favorites)
"Claim" - Cynthia G. Mason
"Claim" - Cynthia G. Mason
n ever say n ever
box it up in a chocolate face
traces of lipstick on a flame
bottled up and reaction of pain
do it up, slop the trough
feed the machine, ever 'n'
box it up in a chocolate face
traces of lipstick on a flame
bottled up and reaction of pain
do it up, slop the trough
feed the machine, ever 'n'
Comparison Shopping
Akron/Family's Meek Warrior, not poison idea
Pere Ubu's Why I Hate Women - question never answered.
Tim Buckley's Best of (Remastered) - a bit corny, but powerful at times
Pere Ubu's Why I Hate Women - question never answered.
Tim Buckley's Best of (Remastered) - a bit corny, but powerful at times
Def Jam Yeti Oddyssey

Here's a link to get the Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals riled up this Halloween. These guys would approve, though.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I get a sparkle in my eyes

Here's some songs exiting the Heavy Rotation list but worth mentioning...
"I've Been Fighting For You" - American Royalty - Passive-Aggressiveness Break-Up song. You think he's apologizing for himself but it's really all on her. Either that or he's saying instead of fighting for Girl 1 he should have been fighting for Girl 2. Hard to tell as the lyrics are kinda blurry. Annnnnyway, it's still a good song, over-analyzers be damned.
"Lost in the Light" - Bahamas - The Bahamas dude is all Jason Mrazzy here but without, y'know, Jason Mraz. Whereas the last song was a break-UP song, this is a break-IN song about a new relationship where the singer finds himself sleeping next to someone he barely knows and starts fretting about all the shit that can go wrong in the relationship. It's for that slow jam tape, bra.
"Atlas" - Beth Jeans Houghton - She's in a relationship with a dude that's way older than her and they sit up at night and look at the atlas and she realizes how much more shit he's seen in his life.
"Our Glowing Days" - Boxeur the Coeur - This is like listening to what would happen if the Funeral-era Arcade Fire met the Suburbs-era Arcade Fire and those other records in-between never happened.
"When the Open Road is Closing In" - Blue Eyed Blacks - Probably the most mainstreamy song on the list today, a slightly boozy country folk piece. Its yeah kinda corny - doing the whole "life is the open road" and "truckstops" are those five years of your life you wasted and you know keep yer chin up, take another swig, it's alright because you "won't be coming home again." Y'know, think positive.
"Lights" - Farmer Sea - Vintage photo as the album art, check. Hushy vocals, check. offbeat instrument (mallets), check. Driving beat that places the focus on the first beat, check. Yeah, it's an indie rawk und roll song.
"In The Hearts of Men" - First Aid Kit - They were playing with Barbies only a few years ago and now they're writing better cuntry-folk songs than their elders have written in years. This is like the fourth track of the album I've showcased, I think.
"Creek of a Lonesome Town" - Francis - Another N. Euro band from Pigeons and Planes people.
"When You Have Gone" - Highasakit - A slower one from the All That Floats LP. Features clop-clop temple blocks in a three four ballad. If that Twin Peaks bar was still open, this band would be booked.
"No Love" - Hooray for Earth - Anthem in an 80's chord progression.
"Hang-Ups of the West" - The Kabeedies - Another fine one this group. Again, props to the drummer.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Computer Love

Never heard of Agent Side Grinder but I hear they're big in Sweden. Like the girl with the dragon tattoo. Comparisons to a certain Deutsche group creep in though - the cover image for the ASG album kinda makes a pretty broad hint, too. Didn't Sweden try to conquer Germany? Well, then this is the second invasion. Gotta listen to the rest of their album.
Links: Agent Side Grinder site kinda makes me think of Depeche Mode, too.
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Start Amazing
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"Night's Song" - Say Anything - Turns they will say anything and while I'm unsure why I'm listening to a song that actually uses the word "Byronesque" and rhymes "moon" with "swoon", I have to respect that stream of conciousness lyrics shouldn't be messed with too much and it perfectly captures the young adult angst of a lovesick dude wandering around the streets obsessing over some chick. Teenage Ukele cover in 3, 2, 1:
"sheena is a t-shirt salesman" - Future of the Left. Silly political song masquerading as a right decent slab of punk rock.
"Corridor" - The Plastic Traps - Garage blaster from two-dude Phillie outfit who sound nothing like Black Keys or My Morning Jacket and that's so a good thing. Song has been around for(a year)ever but just showed up on Spotty so it's worth throwing into the must play list.
"Candles" - Daughter w/Igor Haefeli, Elena Tonra - Delicate little folkie sings about some rotten guy abusive affair she's in. What would singer-songwriter chicks do without bad boys and the nasty things they do to girls on their birthdays. My sarcasm aside, the song does break you when she sings the voice-cracking bumper line to her chorus, "like we're in a crime scene." Powerful arrangement for what sounds like a three-piece.
"Point Back" - It's a Musical - Girl-boy pop N. European band have a signature song with this organ/synth/drums cut.
"His Song" - Luke Roberts - Bleary slightly scary 60's style folk-twanger about life and shit (it lends itself to multiple interpretations but I suss that its about the ol' 'search for self' (answer: under the sofa) thang). I hear fiddle, acoustic, bass, unprocessed drums and a great electric solo halfway through.
"Good as New" - Vacationer - Laid back soul pop with just a veneer of more recent production sensibilities.
"Maria Marie" - Thieves Like Us - Drolly sinister (reverse) stalker song - watch out for Maria Marie, she's following you type of vibe.
"These Days" - Dr. Dog - my first listen to Dr. Dog's new album, I thought it was just an utter piece of shit, nothing like the early stuff when I was the only person listening to them. My second and third listen kept on confirming it but then this tune kind of popped up to the top of the Dogpile and now its in my Top 40. Life is fucking cruel and strange.
"Quick!" - The Magnetic Fields - Another fucking masterpiece breakup song from one of America's best rhyming songwriters.
"Grass Stain" - Waxahatchee - This week's unrequited (post-breakup) song winner goes to Waxahatchee from their recent American Weekend LP.
"On The Day" - Conduits - Mysterioso song for some future movie montage scene - you know the one where all the major characters retreat into their corners to lick their wounds and look soulfully at clocks, mirrors and people down on the streets.
"Always Sad" - Drunken Prayer - Who knew bar band pop was a worthy genre?
"Safe & Sound" - Taylor Swift, The Civil Wars - I have never listened to a Taylor Swift song for more than 10 seconds until this. Always thought it was some sort of joke being foisted on us like just about every other "top music artist"... but if it takes a young adult fiction tweener movie to inspire her to write more pretty tear-rending pop-folk songs like this, then I'm aboard the Taylor Swift train. #shaniatwainwho #teamTaylor
"Breaking the Yearlings" - Shearwater - Took awhile for this to show up on Spotify. As usual, a nice complex piece although the album itself is somewhat overshadowed by other acts who have outdone Shearwater at their own game. This cut captures the bands brilliance, though, even if the rest of the album still hasn't excited me as much.
"Humble Digs" - Beth Jeans Houghton, Hooves of Destiny - Speaking of which, here's yet another stellar cut from Ms. Houghton's recent masterpiece.
"Smoke and Mirrors" - Gotye - Another guy in the "Top 30 Musical Artists" in the world that doesn't yet suck.
"Plage" - Crystal Fighters - Indie kids keep on showing their love for Paul Simon's Graceland years after Vampire Weekend broke. Don't go figure, I already did for you. This is the twee song of the moment. Get it.
"Green" - Paul Weller - One of the greater song-writers of the New Wave era (The Jam, Style Council) is still kicking against the pricks and he's doing so quite impressively if his new album is any measure. This is but one of the latest batch of mighty songs that I've been spinning out of it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Shoeshine Boys are the Intellectuals of The Subordinate Masses

"Windows" - Rocco Deluca. This may be Mr. Deluca's entry fee into how the Elliot Smith Veneration Society. A pretty piece with an understated lo-fi slide about some magical realm where you can float around like a ghost looking at everything. Either that or the windows are his girlfriend's eyes.
"No Sleep" - DZ Deathrays. Every cool band has a "No Sleep" song or have it in an album title. Motorhead, Beastie Boys, Stiff Little Fingers, Wiz Kahlifa and all the covers thereof. And now, may we hear a round of applause for 2012's "No Sleep" song. This one features a slightly detuning guitar as the hook (or at least its my hook, your results may y'know vary). There's a funny low-rent video to go along with it. Comes off a fine similarly titled EP.
"Boomerang" - Miniature Tigers. This comes off M. Tigers noteworthy new album, MIA PHARAOH. I've already spoken of the fine attributes of "Female Doctor." This is a pop mixture of elements from every of the last five decades - Beatlesque harmonies, 70's electric drums, 80's Brit-pop psyche, some 90's electronics and 00's Afro-pop bass and rhythm guitar line. It's a mixture that goes down real smooth and all the burps taste like cherry.
"Dead Oaks" - Now, Now. A short building throbber about a long trip to see someone. It wastes little to get there.

"Let Them Talk" ft. Yolanda - Spoek Mathambo. Wow, what a great song from this S. African Sub-Pop artist. Mixes rap with electro and grime. A feast for the ears, play loud and directly into your aural cavity.
"Ice Wharf" - Work Drugs. Apparently recorded on a beach on the Cayman Islands, it certainly captures the laid-back beach feel even if the song is about a "summer of trouble" back in London. Crickets and a second voice provide the only accompaniment besides the guitar. Makes me want to quit my job, cash in my savings and head down there.
"Oblivion" - Grimes. It's hard not to like what the Canadian has laid down on this track and one or two others from her new long player. Maybe I'll even grow to like the other cuts as I expect its going to keep on resurfacing. Call it laptop-waif.
"Leonard" - Sharon Van Etten. Ms. Van E slows it down a bit in this song, puts it into a country bluesy 6/8 about some guy in some waypoint on her journey for whom she appears to hold a mysterious fascination.

"Guggenheim - Got It Right Mix" - The Ting Tings. Explosive remix of one of the better songs on their sophomore record. Starts off with a Lou Reed style narrative about some guy and the girl he cheated on with. As a result, as explained in the chorus, the wronged woman first considers revenge but then realizes it was just as much her fault and instead of pining about a failed affair, she's going to aim higher and get into a venerated art museum. Or something like that.
"Holding Teeth" - Princeton. Another cut from a sophomore album. Orchestral rock(?) - mallet instruments, strings, lite percussion and that Earlimart style vocals are put to fine use.
"Fatherland" - Mr. Dream. Crazy stupid and as dumb as great garage anthem rock can get.
"Break My Spine" - Backwords. Folky piece about what's like to be the subordinate in a relationship. "I love it when you break my spine."
All links go to Spotify. All photos link back to original owners and are compliant with their license.
Eventually most of these songs will get into the often updated "Top Songs of 2012" playlist
Thursday, March 22, 2012
That is EXACTLY why I've put together this eulogy

"Andrew in Drag" - The Magnetic Fields. If this is the state of homophobia in 2012, we have less to fear than the vast multi-wing conspiracy would like us to fear. Disregarding the whimsy and the ability to find a hundred words that rhyme with "drag" (except for that f-word), the hetero acceptance of his love for another hetero is probably only admitted in his subconcious but only 30 years ago, this would be cause for self-castration or at least a Movie of the Week.
"In The Yard" - Bowerbirds. While much of the album put me to sleep, I think this has one of the prettiest choruses released this year.
"Apple Pie" - Nelson Can. Absurdist rock at its finest. Plus there's whistling and it's not a pretentious as Andrew Bird.

"Kill Kill Kill" - Vacant Fever. Drugged out wheezer that would go well on your next mix tape built around Rob Zombie's gore fetish.
"The Shakedown" - Yellow Ostrich. Near perfect proggy floor shaker that suggests this band might have more populist aspirations.
"Brave Women" - Baby Eagle and the Proud Mothers. A more shambling, quiet version of Mountain Goat's confessional testimonial rock. Also, less pompous than MG's last three albums.
"Phone Home From The Edge" - Dinowalrus. If I could do somersaults in my car while driving, this song would be responsible for me doing that and losing control of my car and causing a 28 car pile-up, the bastards.
"HEART" - Oberhofer. While I couldn't stand to look at them too long while they were on Jay or David a few nights ago, this is a state-of-the-art indie pop concoction that deserves some listens.

"Female Doctor" - Miniature Tigers. Carole King Fender-Rhodes piano creates both the groove and the hook to this angst funk ode to someone's girlfriend and medicator.
"Skin Warming Skin" - Laura Gibson. Another gem from Ms. Gibson's album. What? Are we up to three cuts featured here so far. This one is even slower and mellower than the last two if that's possible.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Oh, my death car

More excursion into recently released music...
"Generals" - The Mynabirds - Garage punk anthem for a protest.
"For Awhile" - Mansions on the Moon - This is a chillout dream-pop style single that has a degree of stylization and warmth to distinguish it from the pack.

"Pale Blue Eyes" - The Kills - This band makes it look so easy and perhaps that's the best description of a band on top of its game. Mossheart (vocals) and Jamie Hince (slide-ish guitar) create a perfectly balanced conversation in this sort of alt-country blues ballad (let's say Lucinda Williams could cover it easily). This comes from the Last Goodbye EP.
"Jesus Christ" - My Best Fiend - A country spiritual with indie attitude.
"Matchstick" - Amercan Royalty - Follows a construct of a jam-band song but without too much noodling and a wierd processed percussive guitar.

"Heavy Flowers" - Blaudzun - Epic gloomy ballad from Dutch songwriter who named his band after a 70's athlete
"Eyes" - The Kabeedies - Happy dappy pop-punk with a great drum track. If they didn't multi-track the bridge/break at the 1:45 mark, then I'm doubly impressed.
"Telephone" Beth Jeans Houghton - another piece of gold from Miss Jeans with on-target lyrics ("so if you're lonely / call me dear / you have a telephone / and I have ears ") and a nice acoustic drum track. Not on her recent album but definitely belongs in your playlist.
Monday, March 05, 2012
It's pickled pepper, asshole

More selections from my personal Top 40
"Genesis" - Grimes. While I'm not so hot on the rest of this buzz record, I love this heaping helping of originality.
"Simon Says" - Dare Dukes with Jim White - Not exactly sure what Jim White is doing on this track but it's the best one of Dare's latest collection. Elliot Smith fans should take note.
"Shout it In" - Dirty Ghosts - Ska's not my normal thing but this one rises above the regular stuff and has a cool little underproduced garage feel to it as well.
"Lions of Least" - Pontiak. This is the album I was hoping for from Howlin' Rain - guitar heavy psyche that doesn't crumble into jam band land. Nice warm self-recording feel to it, no compression, just mics up to amps and drumheads.
"Settle Down" - Yalls. An almost perfect cut from a band with this week's best name. Vintage electronics hybridized with organ and chanted, almost Meat Puppetish vocals. Who-ah-whoa.
"While We're Young" - April March - from the nth reissue of this classic girl garage band album. Worth seeking the vinyl.
"Idiom Wind" - Zammuto. It was only a few weeks ago that I was raving about Zammuto's FucC3PO. This is a beast of a different color yet still fresh and pleasing to these ears. While this is Nick Zammuto's song, it's a showcase for the drummer's precise percussion.
Saturday, March 03, 2012
You Are My Happiness, Now
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Here's some of the tunes I've been listening to lately
"White Hot Gun" - The Phantom Family Halo - sick, violent and deranged no-fi masterpiece from Kentucky band reminiscent of the Touch & Go era - Laughing Hyenas, Killdozer, older Butthole Surfers.

"Look to the Side" - Otis Taylor - a different type of cut from the master bluesman's latest record, this could have been written by Radiohead. That said, it bespeaks a common blues theme, the lost traveller trying to find his way home. Question is, is the singer alive or singing as a ghostly memory to his loved ones? Makes me wonder what it would sound like if Otis teamed up with Richard Russell for his next record.
"As Long As" - Thom Hell - McCartney-ish lite-rock tune from under-rated pop craftsman's latest.

"Hood" - Perfume Genius - Not sure exactly where I stand with Perfume Genius. The entire album takes a patient listen with a few moments of greatness and a number of moments of meandering. This is the "single" from boy somewhat like Antony and the Johnsons without the yodeling and more piano. Worth further watching to see what he comes up with next. Or is this his statement?
"Furry Skin" - Boho Dancer - just what we need - another forest waif spinning stories about magical sex in the woods betwixt man and animal. But this features a nice drum track and good folk vocals alongside a nice bass hook.

"Origins" - Tennis - didn't like the debut record and don't really like the rest of this new album but this is a great pop song worthy of a few plays throughout your lifetime. Has a great buzzy guitar hook, Carole King piano staccato chords setting the rhythm and even though I have no idea what she's singing about, it's probably something interesting.
"Scavenger" - Zig Zags - psyche/metal/punk smashterpiece single from LA combo. Love how it bottoms out 2/3 through and brings it back. Makes me air drum in my car.
"Go Ego" - Eight and a Half - blippy, blappy glitch tune from Stills/BSS cabal. Kinda reminds me of Postal Service but less electronic but a little more chilly.
"Sunday Calling" - Teen Age Kick - Simpleton pop-punk Richman-like raver - guitar, keyboards, bass and drums simply recorded and played but overly self-conscious about it like, say, a "K" band.

"Sweet Sour" - Band of Skulls - 'member when unenlightened stoners would sing songs about how they dig girls who are essentially damaged bitches - "sour by the minute and but cha sweetah by the hour" ---- made for some great stupid rock tunes. This is the type of shit the USAF Rock Band can never play (or write).
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Popular Baby Delusions
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Let's get right to the pick of the weeks of the century! All links are to Spotify. Get it, get premium, get the mobile app and then get Tomahawk and listen to Soundcloud and Spotify from the same player on your Mac or PC. You will not go back.

"Black Current - Rachel Sermanni" - Yeah, just what we need - another Kate Bushy / Vashti Bunyon type plying songs about dreams but damn it, can't get this out of the heavy rotation until it makes its mysteries clear to me. Beautiful arrangement of strings, percussion, nylon string guitar (guess) and Ms. Sermanni's fairy princess voice.
"Severus and Stone - Radical Face" - Reminds me much of the Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby that came out of the same NC folk cloud that produced Wye Oak (for better or worse). This song even has a short story attached to it in case you don't get that it's really a chilling ghost story of two brothers.
"Pa Que Vives" - Davila 666. If Envelopes are rocking with their thang out, Davila 666 rocks with their middle fingers extended. Can't understand a thing they are saying but the noise is just as glorious in their Puerto Rican garages as any others around this small world.
"Amber" - Labryinth Ear. Superlative dream chill track from the English electronic duo's Apparitions EP.
"Wow Wave Cinema" - Unicycle Loves You - Buzzy midwest trio that sort of remind me of Pavement. Their fronting something else as the single from their album but this oughta be at least the next one.
"Murder1" - Wazu. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to blame MGMT for the wave of electronic duos once they start putting out shitty music. But this ain't one band to throw a tantrum over and makes me rethink the notion that this whole two-person electronic gadget / laptop group is more than just a passing phaze. Excellent first outing (Wavu EP available everywhere and nowhere now).
"Little Things" - Experimental Pop Band. The single off of EPB's latest makes me wish it was a big fluffy pillow I could puff up and lay my head on it. More pop like this, please.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Sunglasses at Night, I don't need Light

So before I get started - two comments so far about Spotify.
First, to Spotify - please fix your applications. They shouldn't crash so often. This is your lifeblood - even if you have to lose money at it, get your programming talent on it or you will bleed off users. Spotify, you need to REALLY improve the social networking capability, it's more than just interfacing with Facebook and being able to spam someone with songs, which I pity the poor mp3 bloggers once the promotion guys get their spotify user name! Add things like "trophy rooms", skins, stuff users and fans can create and invite their friends to look at.
Second to all the bands, especially those who don't put their music up on Spotify (or RDIO). Forget it, it's too late. ACTA/SOPA/whatever ain't gonna save you. You are missing a great opportunity with Spotify. The APP development capability should be exploited by bands and labels. Think about it - you can make an app that provides bonuses to your users if they buy merch. For instance, I buy a t-shirt and I get a new skin or I get something like a sticker or trophy (and ). What if you get a trophy if you listen to the entire output of an artist. Or a buck off the vinyl album - which you buy through the spotify interface direct to your merchandiser site. The possibilities right now are endless. The first band or label to do this is going ride the first wave in.
Now, onto the tunes of the week. These come from my current "Heavy Rotation" list.
"Orange Blossom" - Gardens & Villa. Although I guess the big song off this is "Black Hills", I really like this one much better. It's got a slow jam, e-drum feel to it but doesn't sound dated at all. The singing is great as well.

"A New Town" - Field Music - A great song off this new album called Plumb. Has a sort of soul feel to it with a great 80 funk bass line. There's also a water pipe played by a percussionist I suppose. It's there in the background and gets a solo in the final seconds. A new town is not enough. There's some other nice cuts on this album I may get to.
"Just A Song About Ping Pong" - Operator Please - Fast snot punk, well recorded, not much else to read into it except that it's just a song about ping pong. We need more songs about ping pong.
"Caught Me Thinkin - Bahamas- This is another slow-ish jam. Bahamas kind of lives up to its name. You expect this light pop to be playing at some beach dive - perhaps New Jersey because the lead up to the bridge has a sort of Philly Soul chord progression. Nice almost plucked guitar hook enlivens the lead-in to the verses.
"American Daydream" - Electric Guest - the second cut I like from this four song EP(? - at least from what I can tell). Another smooth pop thang with an extra slinky chorus, fat, wet snare sound. Love it.
"Cool Bitch" - Trevor Childs - while girls write songs about how guys are jerks around them, guys write songs idealizing the women they then ignore/belittle/cheat on. This has also been mashed up to some Miami Vice cuts so gives you an idea of what to expect.
Arder / Bailar - Tigres Leones - this is the a-side of a single from this Spanish band. It's kind of simple and lo-fi but has mucho spirito and reminds me of stuff I used to do in the '80s.
"Jealous" - The Super Orchestra - Majestic teen-weeper with a creepy stalkerish vibe and musical climaxes - everything but the key change - "If I can't make you want me / I'll make you look at me"... well hopefully whomever is the object of the song-writers affections has heard this song at least.
"This Is Not A Song" - Islands - Clever, sad-alt broken-hearts club song sung with typical perfection by Nic Thorburn. Comes from their new album. This is the song that the girl puts her feet on top of your shoes and you dance real slow.
River Boat - The Soft Hills - Alt-folk with what sounds like a found Moog doing the dirty work of providing a verse answering song hook. More saddy sad musik - what is wrong with me this week?
And Then She Walks Away - Good Shoes. Not usually fan of the pop-punk sound and almost put this album into the do-not-listen-anymore pile and then this number comes up and kind of redeems them (rest of the album still is kinda not to my liking). But this rocks alright even if lawyers from The Strokes might want to investigate theft of their sound.
My Soldier - Highasakite. Norway chick who is a cross between K. Bush and Bjork and takes her name, I guess, from Blister in the Sun or maybe that Nickie Minaj song, haha. As you might surmise, this is a song from a girl to her soldier. Again, SAD. Didn't even know Norway had an Army. Love the brittle recording/producing approach to this song. It's almost like the aural equivalent of creme brulee.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Just Getting Started

More best songs of the moment...
Seven Stars - Air - While the whole concept album kind of drags, this cut stands on its own quite well as a sort of Floydian/Ziggy ode to rocketcraft.
Sick - The Twilight Sad - A love song apparently sung to a dying person, you can't get more depressing than this. Lovely drum track that builds through the song. Sounds similar to that one Radiohead song that I can stand.
Ready On The Line - Big Sir - Electro-bleep-blap chill folk pop about getting high, I guess. Singer maintains icey demeanor until the final second when she finally lets loose with a releasing scream.
Hey Joe - Liz Green - Liverpudian folkstress does her take classic blues song accompanied by guitar, mallet cymbal, strings and brass.
In My Life - Roberta Flack - The pre-eminent septuagenarian song interpreter does a collection of Beatles songs the same week that Macca releases his piss-take on old standards. This bossa-nova crossed with Steve Wonder (minus the overbearing keyboards) version brings new life to a moldy oldie.
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Can I get a God damn amen?

And number one with a bullet today...

Sweet Tooth Bird - Beth Jeans Houghton & The Hooves of Destiny. Destined to be a rockestra masterpiece, kinda of reminds me of how I felt with early Fiery Furnaces before they got boring. Ms. Houghton should have quite a future ahead of her and we (meaning, you know, just me...) all anticipate her upcoming album. Also check out her Liliputt single from 2011.
Also peaking in the playlist
Bullet in the Gun - The Delorentos - Pouges / Springsteen / Walkmen / Hold Steady amalgamation kind of sounds bad at first read but for some reason works in this pub anthem. Sing along, I'm gonna.
Cry, Cry, Crow - The Pines. Have loved this group since 2009 and glad they haven't mershed out like Great Lake Swimmers. This fine bit of folk gothic follows the archetypal lost gentleman through the Styxian agricultural landscape and would make a great addition to the soundtrack for American Gods if it really is going to get made.
Deadbeat - Lightning Love. What was I saying yesterday about how we probably wouldn't get good new pop music if 20-something girls didn't fall in love with louses. Think of this as the sequel to "Johnny, Are You Queer?"
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