Friday, April 24, 2009
This weeks for real montage song
Little Itty Bitty Weekly Best TV Background Song Posting
It's not exactly a montage piece (for that I would have used the odd music behind the final scene of "Rescue Me") but this song plays in the background of the great mythos-building episode of this weeks "Supernatural"

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
this week's closing montage cut
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Bats for Lashing
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Bull Tongue Goes Online
Nice find of this month's Top 10 - The Renderers.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
We stay because we don't know where else to go

"Lonely Ghosts" - O+S - It's like Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby but with different chromosones. Its's like YLT but not Jewish or old. It's like Aimee Mann but with less complex issues.
MacRock Day 2 - the party's over

Friday's shows seemed so much better than Saturday for me. Maybe it was the fatigue kicking in - ameliorated no doubt by the bad night's sleep at the Budget Inn motel or whatever it was called - stanky room, rough sheets, thin walls and I found a puddle in the bathroom from somewhere undefined.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
MacRock Live Friday
American Tourist - needed three songs to warm up and by the fourth song (which was very good) their set was over. They do suffer from a bit of sameness in song structure. Think Okkervil River - whisper to scream dynamics.
Josh Small - nice picking; too much singing.
Tideland - Tight enough hardcore - they could use a week or so more rehearsing.
Pygmy Lush - dronethrash with overtones of Flipper, Buttholes
Brainworms - incredible set of prog-core. Extremely tight and awesome sound/mix.
Antlers - I couldn't really dig this after Brainworms. Instrumentalcore, I think -- I left after two songs.
Extraordinaires - Decemberists meets Jam band but without the Jam and plus English glam/classical rock + reggae overtones. Nice songs - worth tracking - look for new record soon.
Des Ark - strutting and boiling rage on stage. I like her rocking songs - she's got some great musicians backing her and her stage prescense makes up for the lack of guitar prowess - but her acoustic stuff was hard to hear and I'm afraid if I could have I'd stamp it overly precious. That said, the rocking songs were some of the best I heard that night (Brainworms might have peaked over the top, though).
Medications - very tight, post-dischord era progpunk. Good to see them together again.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
May I draw your attention to...?
Back to Team Fortress 2.
MacRock 8 - Canada Cream Corn Can Crease Crybabies Coronations

I'm kinda getting worn out with this burst of blogging but I can't NOT get by without noting the stellar HC/Punk line-up on Saturdaynight -- it has a hole bunch of good 'uns --highlights inclood reunited Spanish Bombs and the prolific End of Year ("Michael Larsen" court. DeathWish Inc.). Stick some doom and some 80's generic-core in a grinder and out came Black Teeth. DC's Police & Thieves hew to Faith/Void/Threat altar worship ("Exit Strategy" via Young Blood Recs). Had I ever heard the originals, I'd kinda get nostalgic it's that yeah. I politely fail to point out the whole "you were in diapers when this music was new" meme-thing. If I write anymore, my elbows will collapse and I'll pee in my pants. The rest o the lineup
Blue Nile
181 North Main St., Harrisonburg, VA, 22802
3:30pm - 3:50pm | Nervous Habits |
4:05pm - 4:25pm | Constrictor |
4:40pm - 5:00pm | Just Die! |
5:15pm - 5:35pm | Shards |
5:50pm - 6:10pm | The Guilt |
6:25pm - 6:45pm | No Excuse |
7:00pm - 7:30pm | Police & Thieves |
7:45pm - 8:15pm | Kingshead |
8:30pm - 9:00pm | Balaclava |
9:15pm - 9:45pm | Savage Land |
10:00pm - 10:30pm | Black Teeth |
10:45pm - 11:15pm | Spanish Bombs |
11:30pm - 12:00am | End of a Year |
Strolling through Memory Lanes
I wrote this? - how cool is that?
Circular free association fun: Antietam the band was formed in Louisville on Derby Day, 1984. A horse named Swale won the Derby that day. A swale is a "depression in the earth." Antietam was named after a Civil War Battle that occurred on September 17, 1892. The "Bloody Lane" is an 800-yard "sunken road" - or a "depression in the earth" is one of the more notorious sections of the Antietam battlefield. Music from Elba includes an anti-war song "War is (the health of the state)" Another song from Elba is called "The Haunting of Rocky Face Ridge" home of another Civil War Battle in Georgia. Georgia Hubley produced the third Antietam album, Burgoo, which is a traditional Kentucky stew served on Derby Day.
MacRock 7 - Pine on (Street)

Clementine Cafe
153 S. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA, 22801
4:50pm - 5:10pm | Elephant Child |
5:30pm - 5:50pm | Facepaint |
6:10pm - 6:30pm | Eternal Summers |
6:50pm - 7:20pm | Super Vacations |
7:40pm - 8:10pm | Mas y Mas |
8:30pm - 9:00pm | Snack Truck |
9:20pm - 9:50pm | Ancient Sky |
10:10pm - 10:40pm | The Points |
11:00pm - 11:50pm | Obits |
I'll politely not speak of the first two bands 'cept they seem a bit outta their league. Waaaait, that's not polite.
Eternal Summers is blog-love creature getting first SaithDuhWankerphone love and then GirrlVsBare luv and then even more Say-Yo-Gramma'sphone luv. WTF? A Roanoke band? Way coollllzzzz... See the saga unfolden here. VinylMine weights in heavily and saith the VinylMine: I kinda nice, a girl band version of The Warlocks (oh wait, we're supposed ta hate the Warlocks, nyah).
Super Vacations follows Eternal Summers, geddit? And I guess they can borrow their reverb boxes, too. One song on their bi-space page "10 Seconde Freakout" is as if Jesus and Mary Chain got faster, lo-fi and better sounding all at once. The others well kinda weird, kinda bad in a good I don't really know how to play my guitar but it makes cool sounds way....
Mas Y Mas - I thought they were a Los Lobos tribute group but turns out they're a concept band - currently flagging some sort of subgenius-style meme about Pepsi and China. The music has a World Music meets Jonny Richman feel to it. Their tryspace page calls it Chinese Pop but more like Chinese INDIE pop whatever that is. My mantra: I'm not opposed. I'm open to any and all possibilities that this might bring it on. Change is good, world music can be good. World music, ironic mash-ups and bearded men can be good, too.
Snack Truck - Uh, instrumental group. Not totally gone.
Ancient Sky - Brand-spanking four-man new group from Brooklyn. Farfisa organ and guitar seem to be the core of the sound. Like their fourth or fifth show and they got a decent spot in a "festival" if that's what this still. I think if you like Akron/Family, Iron Butterfly & Six Organs of Admittance, this might be your thing.
The Points - Sneering/party-grade mid-to-fast late 70's/early 80's punk rock, slightly updated, and from DC's Mud Memory lapel/label. KinDuh like "Feeling Sorry" and "No Girl" currently streaming on their blahspace page.
The Obits - Rough-hewn band makes a nice back-to-back with the Points.
"Pine On" - crtrsy Subpop
MacRock #6 - Saturday night's alright for drowsing
Court Square Theater
61 Graham St., Harrisonburg, VA, 22801
5:00pm - 5:20pm | The Great Migrators |
5:30pm - 5:50pm | Wild Animal Party |
6:10pm - 6:30pm | Moon High |
6:50pm - 7:20pm | The Cinnamon Band |
7:40pm - 8:10pm | Cinemasophia |
8:30pm - 9:00pm | Gifts From Enola |
9:20pm - 9:50pm | Power Pill Fist |
10:10pm - 10:50pm | Pattern is Movement |
11:10pm - 11:50pm | Cast Spells (Dave of Maps and Atlases) |
Great Migrators and Wild Animal Party are two local bands, interesting listens, unpolished indie pop-rock. They don't strike me as nothing special but then again they don't seem horrible or anything.
Moon High is an anamoly from Columbus, Oh - a folk collective from a town that usually produces more rockinger types.
Cinnamon Band is another local act - two men, one guitar, one drum set - Songs:Ohia, Great Lakes Swimmers type stuff.
Richmond gives us Cinemasophia, a new group (if by new you mean two years old and about ready to drop their first full-length), that has an interesting lush, fuzzy quality to them - like a big old blanket - the layered vocals, crispy but wet drum sound and jews harp guitar wants to wraps around your ears. I think the kids call it shoegaze or something. I'm most interested in hearing more here. Jay Breitling, (( whomever HE is but I understand he likes it when you say his name)), has listened to their recent album with great intensity - here.
Gifts From Enola do the cinematic orchestral instrumental Crack the Explosions on the Saxon Shore thing, I guess, I do. Not my cup of ale but Dog bless 'em anyway as I'm sure they bring light into someone's world.
Power Pill Fist are: electrical powertool kitchysink chunky-sized hypnohouse industromeat improv(able) videogling gamertong bleatreatbliptrip stuff. They live to own YOU. Not me. YOU.
Pattern is Movement - I'd like these guys more if they grew longer beards and got balder and fatter. This is what I love about them, fuck the music. No seriously, I saw them in 2005 and I was blown away and that's not usually the case with highly choreographed prog-math type duo (trio?) (to be fair, I think their band was larger when I saw them last). I think its just that I respect the hell out of their hearing ability, the ability to keep all in tune, melody, rhythm and make it look like they're eating lunch or taking the dog for a walk.
First time, I saw a drummer roll his brushes on his snare like he was kneading dough and it made such an asskicking sound that I've never been able to reproduce. No really seriously, fatter and balder, please. I need company at these shows.
"Right Away" - courtesy Home Tapes
Cast Spells has that sort of laid back American Analog Set vibe going. Or is it just that they use vibraphone that I'm drawing the comparison. Interesting, never heard of them before but they're from Chicago and list Pattern is Movement as a friend on their whyspace page.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Macrock #5 - one of these things is not like the others

Whatever Brains - This is the band to see at 2:35. Dude, I hear this band, I hear 100 million tormented children screaming at once with 500 billion guitars chiming along and 11, 000 trillion drummers stomping. And lo it was good. And low, it sounds so much better than one child screaming. Does this have beast have legs? What kind of legs and do they have multiple joints, retract up to the side, are hairy, splotted or splayed. Earplugs will be stomped into the ground.
Here's the rest of the Saturday Artful Dodger line-up. I'm sure they are all very well-spoken, over-rehearsed, cute in that regretful sort of way and oh-so indie-rock nice. I'll be sure to pinch their cheeks.
Artful Dodger
47 Court Sq., Harrisonburg, VA, 22802
2:00pm - 2:20pm | Invisible Hand |
2:35pm - 2:55pm | Whatever Brains |
3:10pm - 3:35pm | Monument |
3:50pm - 4:10pm | Pirouette |
4:25pm - 5:00pm | Algernon Cadwallader |
5:20pm - 6:00pm | Slingshot Dakota |
MacRock #4 - the golden ticket says pass
Gar... what have I gotten myself into. Let's make this short - here's the line-up of the next group o' bands:
Clementine Cafe
153 S. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA, 22801
4:50pm - 5:10pm | Rapid Cities |
5:30pm - 5:50pm | Title Tracks (ex Q and Not U) |
6:10pm - 6:30pm | The House Floor |
6:50pm - 7:20pm | New Rock Church of Fire |
7:40pm - 8:10pm | The Fordists |
8:30pm - 9:00pm | Edie Sedgwick |
9:20pm - 9:50pm | Liquid Limbs |
10:10pm - 10:50pm | Fin Fang Foom |
11:10pm - 12:00pm | Medications |
This is sort of the obligatory Mac-Rock Dischord-lovein line-up full of "good guy bands" - mostly soul-less and over-saturated with influence and too smothered in their earnestness to really stick out in a crowd. Doon't get me wrongga... They're all technically competent and perhaps talented but they seem to lack any sort of meaningful life experience beyond seeing Fugazi play live. And that ain't enuf.
Out of this group, Edie Sedgewick is an original and pretty funny if you follow his campy set-up - ironically, though, its an act which, if it had come out of outsider land, it would have never gotten the acceptance it has received. That said, it's just a bit too thought out to truly be a wonderful outsider act. Is he still doing his music backup with an iPod I wonder?
I'm happy to see Medications are back together - they had some good songs back in 2005 but then lost steam when their drummer moved on... if there's no other conflicts, I would try to check them out, see where they're heads are at.
"Twine Time" - dl ctsty: Medications