It's that random time of the month/week/day to lay some rad linkage and news on my bitches (that's YOU). And like these aging superheros, we're gonna take our time squeezing this out and milk it for all its worth. Photo via Gilles Barbier, link via boingboing
First let's get the whole Vinyl Mine Seal of Approval shit over with. It's getting old and I'm too lazy to go find the image and link to it... No more seal but here's some worthy music and mp3 blogs/websites that you outcha be czchecking out:
- No podcaster has yet to equal the sheer absurdity of Twin Peaks Agent Cooper and his little tape recorder. "Diane, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies." Post-punk junk has the WHOLE original podcast here.
- Amazing the shit you get on the web for free these days. Here's one of the great concert review - Chan Marshall and her Band of Reknown somewheres in Canada.
- Another live review of Scritti Polliti (and the CMJ scene) by Village Voice here...
- Even more amazing is Bradley's Alamac who not only review and photograph shows but record 'em for you and then put the songs in easy to download MP3 format. Here's some live stuff from Gothic Archies (Stephin Merrit) and their non-appearance with Lemony Snicket.
- When two great undersung bands collide.
- Lefetz on the genius of Clive Davis.
- Sweet Pea Review does an interview with Alan Bishop. Read the whole issue online.
- Digital Music weblog has a round-up on the latest lawsuits and also tells us the wonderful news that one of the former sue-ees is now sueing the RIAA right back for legal costs:
"Finally, the RIAA is arguing against the defendant's counter-filing for legal fees in the case of Elektra vs. Schwartz. Although to early to tell how this may unfold, the liability for legal costs incurred by a defendant who is able to successfully defend themselves against an RIAA lawsuit is an important hurdle for the RIAA. To date, potential liability for the defendant's legal fees have been the only viable weapon against the expansion of the RIAA'sparamilitarylegal wing."
- And you know you're in Hitler Bush territory when people are selling toilet paper with your name on it.
- 200 LBU is reprinting their first issue from the early 90's.
- Former Nirvana bassist and politican joins... wait for it... Flipper?!?
- Kinda old news and maybe not good news but film rights to King Dork have been sold to Will Ferrell's production company
- Jack Rose and Peter Walker at Velvet Lounge(?!)
- Rock For Water Benefit
- Jeremy Enigk (Sunny Day Real Estate)
- The Oranges Band and Fake Accents (shout out)
- Sufjan Stevens (FREE) backed by Kennedy Center Orchestra!
Bonus MP3. Boing-Boing said some nice things about Sophe Lux so I found their myspace page. Not sure I'd say she's PJ Harvey meets Freddy Mercury - more like Kate Bush meets Blonde Redhead and so I'm digging this one song (the others so-so) and since the tags are all screwed up on myspace, here's another way to download it: "Target Market" - Sophe Lux
1 comment:
Sophe Lux rocks. I bought their album and it holds up after many listens. I do love Target Market too.
Marie Antionette Robot 2073 is a crazy rock opera -- love it, love it, love it. But, the whole version is not on their myspace page because the song is 7 minutes long. What you miss out on is the opera and gospel solo -- pink floyd meets queen.
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