This is for all the Music Bloggers for Democracy cats... my styrofoam Uncle Sam hat off to ya... and Mr. Karzai - don't blow it!
Coronation - Tin Huey - originally reviewed here in one of my earliest posts - it's improtant for both Karzai and Bush to remember that you may have won a mandate or have political capital to spend but you ain't king. Factoid: Tin Huey were politically active in the last cycle and played several benefits for Rock the Vote and John Kerry
Conspiracy - The Kenne Highland Clan - originally reviewed here - lots of conspiracy theories being hatched to explain the wildly divergent exit polls in Ohio.... hmmm.... Factoid: Ken is a former Marine and founding Gizmo.
and a new record is added to the digital fold:
Accidents Will Happen - Elvis Costello - from the promo EP that was in the original Armed Forces LP. Live at Hollywood High, 1978 (FroogleSwagged here). When I quit being active in listening/creating/etc. new music from '93 to '03, Elvis was one of the few I kept on buying (I think "When I Was Cruel" ranks as one of his best, by the way). What's the tie-in to the election? Well, this can be the either the new theme song for the Democratic Party or George Bush's mother, depending on your views.

And finally, I got a new camera this past week and here is a picture I took at the Jersey shore where I was on business travel - my little oil painting of the week:

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